Friday, June 12, 2009

Another stuff

And the other stuff for this month are in.
those hair accessories also handmade.. Me and my friend made it,, wanna order???
just leave comment then i'll tell you the price..
only Rp 20.000-Rp

Let's grab it!!!
(there's ONLY ONE/item)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Let's Shopping guys!

Guys, please check my vintage bag..The prices are on it.
Anyone interest to have it?? I'll tell you how to order. It's simple!
Just tell me which one you like, and of course you've already know about the price because there are below the pic.
And then you have to tell me about your address (where I have to send the bag you've ordered). And I'll tell you the delivery charge, and whole payment that you have to pay. You can pay it transfer via BNI ATM to 0107541643 / Ayu Rizky Amelia.
Those stuff are handmade production and it's pre-order so you have to transfer 60% from the whole payment, and then we'll start to make it after you confirm me. When the stuff is finish, i'll tell you to pay the 40%. After you confirm to me, your stuff (bag) will send to your address.

Tertarik sama tas-tas ini? Pesen aja, caranya gampang kok. :)
Kasih tau aja tas mana yang kamu pengen pesen beserta harganya yang udah tertera di bawah masing-masing gambar. Trus jangan lupa kasih alamat kamu. Setelah itu kita akan kasih tau biaya pengiriman ke tempat kamu beserta seluruh pembayaran yang harus kamu bayar. Pembayaran bisa dilakukan transfer lewat ATM BNI (no.rek: 0107541643) a.n. Ayu Rizky Amelia.
Produk ini handmade dan sistemnya pre-order, jadi kamu harus transfer 60% dari keseluruhan pembayaran baru kita bikin barangnya tentunya setelah kamu kasih tau ke kita kalau udah melakukan transfer. Waktu barangnya udah selesai dibuat, kita akan kasih tau kamu untuk melunasi sisa pembayaran (40%). Setelah kamu mengkonfirmasi kalau udah melakukan pembayaran, banrang akan segera kita kirim ke alamat kamu.

Gampang kan?? So, What are you waiting for?? Come and order it Guys!!!

CP: 085693376624

Monday, June 8, 2009

just wanna share

just wanna share with y'all about this one.
actually not important (for you), but me! :p

they're look almost the same, aren't they???